My heart overflows with gratitude of everything God has done for me
My heart overflows with gratitude of everything God has done for me. I will exult His name with my voice. I am thankful for my sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, position and balance. I will sing your praises, my God. You were my voice when I didn't have one. You helped me stand firm in spite of those who had it in for me. And they were not successful in their efforts to discredit me. You destroyed great forces who were against You. You continue to rule over our broken world. You sit in judgement over the nations and people.
You offer Your hand to the oppressed, troubled, and needy. You never hide from those who seek you or forsake those who cling to You.
I will always need your gracious love. You know all about my fears and doubts. Those who recognize their need for You, will be found by You. Praise be to God forever and ever!