Our Western culture is very scientific
Our Western culture is very scientific. We believe in something that has been proven. For many it has to be tangible for us to believe.
On the other hand, Eastern cultures believe in more metaphysical things - in abstract terms. If Eastern cultural people were asked what God looked like, they would respond with words like a warm heart, a gentle touch, or a helping hand. Western cultures don't know how to describe His appearance. We can tell someone who God is with words like Omnipotent, Yahweh, Creator, and Omniscient.
In Chinese medicine, they practice the theory of yin and yang. In Buddhist thought, the belief is that Tao or “the way” was split in two parts that became diametrically opposed and in motion creating the energy that sustains the whole. One has no meaning without the other. It is said when yin and yang are in balance, there is harmony and well being. Our emotional disposition can also have an effect on polarity. (CTRA) Connective Tissue Reflex Analysis reveals hidden answers to a person’s health and well being. I developed this modality in 2009. Many experts believe that the flow of balance and energy in the human body is the foundation of good health and that we are continually striving for health and balance in everything we do and are.
"My expanded awareness and sensitivity gives me a better understanding of how the body works so I can help people. CTRA makes fast, precise, and efficient assessments of connective tissue and organs. This procedure unleashes the power of the non-verbal part of the brain—the subconscious—to help assess your needs. The subconscious brain is the part of the brain that continues to work when we are asleep and keeps the heart pumping. It works at a greater awareness than the conscious brain. The conscious part of the brain is involved with our verbal skills. CTRA helps one to tap into the unlimited healing power in the subconscious mind.
CTRA is a result of all my studies and knowledge of the brain and body. CTRA was developed to address certain points that radiate to all other structures surrounding that point in the body to release imbalances and blockages. Once these imbalances and blockages have been identified and released, the body becomes open to the healing process. CTRA is a conduit of positive energy to release imbalances and blockages to aid in the achievement of overall wellness. People feel a great sense of accomplishment using this technique because they gain such fast results, so easily, without any strain on the body." 'Opening the Envelope' found on Amazon