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My yoga classes
My yoga classes have been growing as I have been advancing in the field. My classes usually begin with a dance which takes people...
Thought for the day
Thought for the day: I am thankful for my sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, position, and balance. What are you thankful for? We all...
Love between siblings
The love between siblings is unique, special and many times beautiful. It is not always perfect, but can be quite comforting. Brothers...
Finding guidance
Being tested is the process used to see who and what we really are, and what we are capable of doing. It is not meant to be easy, but...
Culinary skills
My culinary skills have steadily improved since I have been doing the Rudi and Cali Cooking Show. It is such a joy to be able to share...
Hope and encouragement
We are a big part of so many loving relationships that connect us with hope and encouragement. Yet we have spent so little time...
Thought for the day
I release all negative thoughts that prevent me from moving forward!
The Lord has commanded us
The Lord has commanded us to put aside all of our differences and love each other as ourselves. For many, loving ourselves is extremely...
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